At Bionica Dental Wellness, Dr. Holinbeck and our team of dental experts recognize the challenges that inadequate sleep can cause. Loud snoring, chronic fatigue, drowsy driving, and even high blood pressure are just a few of the many problems that make living with sleep apnea more difficult. Fortunately, with the right approach, we can provide sleep apnea treatment to reduce and even eliminate symptoms for a better quality of life. Let us know if you are suffering from the inability to rest and breathe freely by calling us to schedule an appointment.
Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that affects more than 20 million people in the United States. It occurs when a person stops breathing throughout the night due to a blockage in their airway.
There are three types of sleep apnea, but the most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This results in ceased breathing for 10 or more seconds once or multiple times each night. When the soft tissues inside the mouth fall back onto the throat, it creates an obstruction. As a result, the brain enters into panic mode and triggers the body to wake up and breathe. This leads to individuals gasping or choking for air.
With many of the symptoms going unnoticed or misdiagnosed, individuals often do not realize they have it unless someone tells them.
Some of the most common signs associated with sleep apnea include:
When it comes to learning who is more at risk of developing sleep apnea, the following are just a few to consider:
Although it might seem as if sleep apnea only affects a person’s ability to function, the reality is that it can have a much more serious impact on one’s overall health.
Yes, chronic fatigue can lead to ineffective production at work, but it can also cause drowsy driving – a potentially fatal consequence of sleep apnea. When getting behind the wheel of a vehicle while sleepy, you run the risk of endangering yourself and others on the road.
Other potential dangers associated with sleep apnea include:
There are many different treatment options available that allow patients to achieve optimal results for their sleep apnea, such as CPAP therapy, lifestyle changes, and even surgery. However, the most recent advancement – one that is customizable and often preferred by patients – is oral appliances.
Dr. Holinbeck and our team at Bionica Dental Wellness will be happy to equip you with a customized oral appliance once you receive a formal diagnosis of sleep apnea. Naturally, a sleep test will need to occur first before a specialized device can be created. However, once we evaluate the data collected from your sleep test, we can fabricate an oral device that matches your unique needs and allows for better breathing throughout the night.
Depending on the type of oral appliance you receive, you can expect that it will move your jaw forward slightly so that your airway remains open, and you are able to breathe freely while also getting the rest you desperately need.