An incomplete smile, no matter how many teeth you are missing, can be challenging. Not only will you likely experience difficulty eating and speaking, but your self-esteem can be largely impacted, causing you to miss out on social gatherings with family and friends. At Bionica Dental Wellness of Delafield, Dr. Holinbeck and her team understand the challenges missing teeth can pose, which is why we are pleased to offer full and partial dentures to individuals in need. Creating a natural appearance using only the highest quality materials, we can ensure your smile looks its best for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Holinbeck and learn what you can do to get started.
Dentures are a restorative method of treatment designed to replace multiple missing teeth or an entire arch (top or bottom). Not only can they enhance your appearance, but they can also improve the way you eat and speak, granting greater oral function.
At Bionica Dental Wellness of Delafield, Dr. Holinbeck can create a dental prosthesis that is metal-free and lightweight, ensuring a comfortable fit and natural appearance.
Dentures are an ideal solution if you’re simply missing a few consecutive or nonconsecutive teeth along the top or bottom row of your mouth, or if you need to replace an entire arch. It is beneficial if you have a strong jawbone, as this will create a firmer foundation for your restoration as well as healthy gum tissue.
Although full and partial dentures are frequently used as a single restorative treatment, they are also commonly used as part of an individual’s full mouth rehabilitation. Oftentimes, if a person’s smile is plagued by various problems, Dr. Holinbeck can create a comprehensive treatment plan that uses a combination of restorative services to rebuild, repair, and restore their smile. Because dentures offer both a way to improve a person’s oral health and aesthetics, they are often incorporated into these personalized rehabilitation plans.
There are two different types of traditional dentures to choose from when discussing your options with Dr. Holinbeck – full or partial.
If you need a full denture, it is because you are missing all of your teeth along the top or bottom row of your mouth (or both). Even if you need to have one or two teeth extracted, a full denture can easily restore your smile’s appearance.
Using an acrylic base and artificial teeth, this non-metal prosthetic is crafted by lab technicians based on the specifications provided by your dentist. Designed to sit on top of your gums, the denture will blend in with your gum line and fit snugly into place with the help of your natural suction.
Not only will you see a fully restored smile when you look in the mirror, but you’ll also notice a dramatic difference in the way you speak and eat, allowing you to feel more confident and comfortable in front of others.
Should you require a partial denture, it is likely because you are only missing a few teeth along the top or bottom row of your mouth. Fitting like a puzzle piece, these prosthetics are commonly created using metal clasps or clips that attach to your natural teeth. However, as a dentist in Delafield, Dr. Holinbeck opts for metal-free materials. As a result, you will receive a prosthetic that uses gum-colored acrylic to form small hooks that fit around your natural teeth to help hold your partial in place.
By removing the metal from your denture, you will not only have a more aesthetically pleasing prosthetic, but it will also be non-toxic and healthier for you, your body, and the environment. Also, with a partial denture, you don’t have to worry about your natural teeth shifting out of place and causing alignment issues. Instead, your partial will fit snugly, allowing you to have an even bite force and a more beautiful smile.
If you prefer a more permanent solution that doesn’t require your natural suction or acrylic hooks to hold your prosthetic in place, you might consider talking to Dr. Holinbeck about implant-retained dentures. Using bioceramic implants that are surgically placed into your jawbone, you can experience a stronger, more durable, and functional tooth replacement option that can last decades if properly maintained.
Once you receive your final dentures, it is common to experience some soreness in the beginning simply because your mouth is trying to adjust to the new prosthetic. It may take some time for your jawbone, gums, and tongue to become accustomed to your denture, but over time, it will become easier to talk and eat.
Initially, you will want to eat softer foods and avoiding biting down on anything too hard, as this additional pressure can create additional soreness. You may also want to practice your syllables in front of a mirror, as this will help you pronounce difficult words as well as improve the clarity of your speech.
Also, when cleaning your dentures, make sure to place a towel in the basin of your sink to protect against damage should you accidentally drop them while cleaning. You’ll need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush or denture brush, a non-abrasive toothpaste, and a denture cleaner to keep your prosthetics clean. It is best to soak your dentures at night while you are sleeping, as this will give your gums and bone a chance to breathe and rest.
If you are choosing dentures as your preferred way to replace missing teeth, you expect to see great results. But one of the most pivotal factors you may be considering is how much you can anticipate spending on your new smile. No two patients are alike, so only a thorough consultation with Dr. Holinbeck will ensure that you receive a reliable cost estimate. To better understand the factors that must be considered when determining how much your new dentures will cost, read the information below and call us if you have any questions.
During a meeting with your denture dentist in Delafield, you will not only receive a personalized treatment plan that goes over what you can expect from the process, but it will also detail the projected cost. A few of the most common factors our team at Bionica Dental Wellness of Delafield will consider include:
It is not uncommon for some dental offices to use labs that incorporate cheaper materials when creating dentures. While it might be tempting to pursue this route, it’s best to pay a bit more for higher-quality prosthetics. This will mean they will last longer and be less likely to experience damage.
Implant dentures are known to be more expensive than traditional prosthetics, but their benefits are why millions of Americans are already enjoying their new and improved smiles. The permanence they provide as well as their longevity, functionality, and natural appearance make them popular among patients suffering from tooth loss. Although they are more expensive up front, they do not require that you buy denture adhesives or undergo frequent adjustments or replacements over time, all of which can add up.
When reviewing your dental insurance policy, there is a strong likelihood that dentures will be covered, in part, up to 50%. Often deemed a major restorative treatment, insurers are willing to pay half of the price of these customized prosthetics. However, you must have met your deductible and have remaining funds as part of your annual maximum.
If you do not have private dental insurance, you can still move forward with receiving dentures in Delafield. At Bionica Dental Wellness of Delafield, we are pleased to partner with both CareCredit and Lending Club. These flexible financing solutions make it possible for you to enroll in low or no-interest plans so that you can avoid paying the full amount upfront and instead, spread out the cost of your dentures over several months.
Once you receive your dentures, it doesn’t mean you’re completely done with visiting the dentist or caring for your teeth. In fact, you need to continue doing these things to keep your smile in the best condition possible. Our team at Williamsburg Dental will monitor your mouth looking for any signs of trouble and make sure your smile stays functional and beautiful at the same time.
When you have finished a meal, bits of food can remain in between the dentition in your dentures. If you allow these bits to stay there, your replacement teeth can appear less than perfect, to say the least. In addition, the bacteria in your mouth can break down these remnants into plaque, which can inflame your gums. When you rinse your dentures, do not use hot water because it can warp the plastic. Warm water will suffice.
Throughout the day, you need to clean your dentures to keep plaque to a minimum. Your dentures will not become decayed like real teeth, but you are still susceptible to gum disease. Keeping your dentures clean can lower your risk of this inflammation-causing condition that endangers not only your smile but your overall health as well. When cleaning your dentures, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a dab or mild dish soap. Do not use regular toothpaste, which can cause abrasions on your dentures.
Having false teeth may give you a false sense of security. Although your dental prosthetic is strong, you need to make sure you are careful with your replacement teeth by not biting or chewing on hard substances like ice or pencils. Also, be cautious especially when you first get dentures because you may accidentally bite your tongue or cheek, causing unintentional damage.
Did you know that your mouth produces less saliva when you sleep? With less moisture in your mouth, your dentures can dry out and even warp a little. During these nighttime hours, it’s best to take out your dentures and put them in a glass or cup of water. Many denture wearers even place a cleanser in the water with their prosthetic to take care of additional bacteria they may have missed during the day.
Over time, your dentures may not fit as snugly as they did when you first got them. This occurs because the jawbone is continually changing. To keep up with these changes, you should be coming to your regular dental checkups and tell us about any shifts you notice. We can adjust your dentures so that they always feel comfortable and secure in your mouth.
Even if you aren’t able to remove your prosthetic teeth because they are permanently attached to implants, daily care is essential. Otherwise, gum disease can set in and degrade your jawbone, leading to implant failure. In addition to at-home maintenance, it’s especially important to come to our office regularly for checkups and cleanings so we can diagnose and fix any problem as early as possible, preserving your restored smile.