Are you looking for ways to add new flavors to your meals? If you want to jazz up your dinner, you might consider incorporating various herbs and spices to give your food more of a kick. Not only will it improve the taste and satisfy your hunger, but you might be surprised to learn that adding a few of the following ingredients can actually improve your oral health as well. Keep reading to discover what your diet needs for a healthier gut and smile.
What is So Special About Herbs & Spices?
If you prefer to improve your oral and overall health with natural remedies as opposed to various medicines and chemicals, you may be familiar with the use of herbs to cure many ailments and issues. While your body may be reaping the benefits, your mouth can as well.
The following are just some of the many herbs and spices that will positively impact your smile and oral health:
Used in countless dishes, this minty herb contains vitamin K, which is great for improving bone health. Also consisting of antioxidants, it minimizes the chances of disease, specifically those that form in the mouth (i.e., gum disease), and inflammation.
Similar to sage, rosemary contains calcium, which helps create stronger bones – something your smile needs if teeth are to remain cavity-free. Its anti-inflammatory capabilities lower the risk of disease by boosting your immune system as well. By incorporating it into any meat dish or even tea, you can enjoy a more delicious treat while having peace of mind that your tooth enamel is safe from decay.
This powerful spice is commonly found in pastries, coffee, and other foods and beverages may not sound like something that would benefit your teeth and gums, but it does. Its contents work to reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings while also regulating blood sugar. This is a powerful reality for anyone who suffers from diabetes.
Since this condition is closely linked to gum disease, the use of cinnamon can improve your overall health while giving your smile the chance to thrive. You only need one teaspoon each day for it to be effective.
Whether you like garlic or not, it’s hard to find a recipe these days that doesn’t call for it. While it can give you stinky breath, it can also produce antifungal and antibacterial properties that are good for your oral health. By eliminating bad bacteria inside your mouth, garlic protects your teeth and gums against infection – ultimately saving you time and money when it comes to restorative care.
These are just a few of the many herbs and spices that can give you more of a reason to smile. Not only are you likely to enjoy your meals more because of how they taste, but you’ll also appreciate how they positively impact your smile.
About the Author
Dr. Udoka Holinbeck is a holistic dentist who is committed to providing exceptional, top-of-the-line services to patients who desire a whole-body approach. She and her team at Bionica Dental Wellness don’t just focus on a person’s smile but also their overall health and how the two connect. When looking for ways to naturally improve the state of your smile, she can recommend nutritional changes, like incorporating herbs and spices into your diet, to give your smile a boost. Visit our website or call (262) 337-9745 to learn more.