As you move through Invisalign treatment, you may feel as if everything is progressing as it should. However, your dentist might view things a bit differently. There are times when teeth don’t shift as quickly as they should, which is why additional help is required in the form of Invisalign refinements. To better understand the reason your dentist is recommending this add-on, we’ll answer the question, “What are Invisalign refinements” and what you can expect from treatment.
What Are Invisalign Refinements?
To put it simply, Invisalign refinements are additional trays you’ll be expected to wear while undergoing Invisalign treatment. They are recommended if your dentist finds that your teeth are moving at the rate or in the position they should.
This can prolong achieving results using this clear aligner system, but these extra trays can ensure that you end up with beautiful results that can last a lifetime.
Does Everyone With Treatment with Invisalign Need Refinement Trays?
No, not everyone requires these added trays when receiving Invisalign treatment. It is believed that somewhere between 80-90% of cases do not need refinement; however, for those that do, it is essential if desired goals are to be achieved.
Should you be recommended for Invisalign refinement, you’ll need to make sure you follow the strict instructions provided by your dentist to avoid additional delays.
How Does Invisalign Refinement Work?
If you discover that you need Invisalign refinement, you can expect that your dentist will examine your smile and take additional scans to develop a plan that will help to put your teeth on the right track and move at the right pace.
Once this is complete, you will wait to receive your refinement trays. After a few weeks, you will return to retrieve your aligners and begin wearing them according to the instructions provided by your dentist. How many you receive is dependent on how much refining must be done to put your smile back on track.
Additional discomfort and a change in your bite are common when wearing refinement trays so you should not be alarmed. You’ll be required to wear your aligners just like you would your original Invisalign, 20-22 hours each day.
An important note to remember is that just because you need refinement doesn’t mean that you’ve necessarily messed up in any way. Yes, these trays are necessary if you haven’t been wearing your Invisalign as you should; however, it can also be that your teeth simply are not moving as it was projected that they would.
Invisalign refinements can help to put you one step closer to a straighter, more perfectly aligned smile, so if you learn you need these additional trays to improve your oral health and appearance, don’t be alarmed. Instead, consider it a highly-effective way to ensure your treatment is worth the investment.
About the Author
Dr. Udoka Holinbeck is a holistic dentist who offers Invisalign clear aligners as an alternative solution to traditional braces. At Bionica Dental Wellness, she and her team believe in providing patients with healthier solutions, especially those that do not contain metal. If you or a loved one would like to learn more about Invisalign and how you can get the care you need, visit our website or call (262) 337-9745 to schedule an appointment.